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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 河北省 沧州 泊头市 泊镇 泊头市道东街88号
  • 姓名: 陶经理
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    电动油脂泵,油脂加注泵用KCB300 2CY18/0.36 流量:18m3/h压力:0.36Mpa口径:ф70

  • 所属行业:泵阀
  • 发布日期:2016-07-04
  • 阅读量:179
  • 价格:1386.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:50.00 台
  • 包装说明:木箱包装
  • 发货地址:河北沧州泊头市  
  • 关键词:电动油脂泵,油脂加注泵

    电动油脂泵,油脂加注泵用KCB300 2CY18/0.36 流量:18m3/h压力:0.36Mpa口径:ф70详细内容

     ●KCB齿轮泵安装说明: KCB gear pump installation instructions: 
      1、安装泵的地点应足够宽敞,以方便检修工作。1, the location of the installation of pump should be spacious enough, to facilitate maintenance and repair work. The stand or fall of 2、泵安装的好坏,对泵的平稳运行和使用寿命有很重要的影响,所以安装校正工作必须仔细地进行,不得草率行事。2, pump installation, for the smooth running of the pump and service life have very important influence, so the installation calibration work must be carried out carefully and must not be too hasty. 3、泵吸入管的安装高度、长度和管径应满足计算值,力求简短,减少不必要的损失(如弯头等);并保证泵在工作时,不**过其允许汽蚀余量。4、吸入和排出管路应该有支架。泵不允许承受管路的负荷。3, installation height of pump suction pipe, the length and diameter should satisfy the calculated value, to short, reduce unnecessary losses, such as elbow, etc.); And ensure the pump at work, no more than the allowed NPSH. 4, suction and discharge line should be a support. Pump are not allowed to bear load of pipeline.
    ●kcb齿轮泵安装: KCB gear pump installation:
      1、泵安装前应检查泵和电机在运输过程中是否受到损坏,如电机是否受潮,泵的进出口防尘盖是否损坏而使污物进入泵腔内等。1, before the pump installation, should check the pump and motor is damaged during the transit, whether be affected with damp be affected with damp such as motor, pump the import and export of dust cover for damage and make the dirt into the pump chamber, etc.
      2、泵在搬运过程中,应选择合适起吊位置,减少泵的变形。2, pump in the process of handling, should choose appropriate lifting position, reduce the deformation of the pump.
      3、泵的底座应固定在牢固的基础上,以免产生振动影响泵的正常工作。3, the base of the pump should be fixed on the basis of the strong, so as to avoid vibration influence the normal work of the pump.
      4、泵的进出口管路应清理干净不得存有硬颗粒的报告杂物。4, import and export of pipeline of pump should be cleaned up shall not have the report of hard particles sundry.
      5、管路口径一般不小于泵的进出口径,进油管路应尽量短,并减少弯路。必要时在进油口安装金属过滤器,过滤器的有效面积不应小于管道过流面积的三倍。5, pipe diameter is generally not less than the in and out of the caliber of pump, the oil pipeline should be short, as far as possible and less detours.When necessary, metal filter is installed on oil inlet filter effective area should not be less than three times of pipe flow area.
    6, when installation, must not use the pump to bear the weight of the line.7, turn the coupling with the hand, the pump should be flexible rotation, can not have too tight or weight uneven phenomenon, should immediately ruled out.
      KCB齿轮油泵在输油系统中可用作传输、增压泵;KCB gear oil pump in the oil system can be used as a transport, booster pump;
       在燃油系统中可用作输送、加压、喷射的燃油泵;In the fuel system can be used as a transport, pressure, jet fuel pump;
       在一切工业领域中,均可作润滑油泵用。In all industrial areas, can be used as lubricating oil pump.
       KCB齿轮泵主要有齿轮、轴、泵体、安全阀、轴端密封所组成。齿轮经热处理有较高的硬度和强度,与轴一同安装在可更换的轴套内运转。泵内全部零件的润滑均在泵工作时利用输出介质而自动达到。KCB gear pump are mainly gear, shaft, pump body, valve, shaft end seal. Gear after heat treatment with high hardness and strength, and shaft installed in the replaceable shaft sleeve. In all parts of the lubrication pump are pump work automatically to achieve using the output media.
       泵内有设计合理的泄油和回油槽,是齿轮在工作中承受的扭矩力较小,因此轴承负荷小,磨损小,泵效率高。Pump is the drainage and back into the groove of reasonable design, is a gear in the work under the minimum torque force, so the bearing load is small, wear small, pump with high efficiency.
       泵设有安全阀作为**载保护,安全阀的全回流压力为泵额定排除压力的1.5倍,也可在允许排出压力范围内根据实际需要另外调整。但注意本安全阀不能作减压阀的长期工作,需要时可在管路上另行安装。从主轴外伸端向泵看,为顺时针旋转。Pump is equipped with safety valve as overload protection, the total reflux pressure relief valve is rated pump out pressure of 1.5 times, also can allow discharge pressure range according to actual needs and adjust. But note that this cannot be a long-term work pressure reducing valve, relief valve can be installed in the piping shall be separately when necessary. To pump from the main shaft overhang end to see, for clockwise.

    欢迎来到河北远东泵业制造有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省沧州泊头市泊头市道东街88号,联系人是陶经理。 主要经营我公司专业生产和销售螺杆泵,高粘度泵,自吸油泵,齿轮泵。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 我司是一家专业经营螺杆泵,三螺杆泵,双螺杆泵,高粘度泵,自吸油泵,齿轮油泵的企业,拥有着良好的技术经验,公司一贯执行产品质量保证、精益求精,是各大客商不错的选择,我们将竭诚为您服务!